Marina's Swim School

LSS Patrol Program

LSS Patrol Program

Canadian Swim Patrol Overview

The Canadian Swim Patrol program bridges the gap between learn-to-swim and lifeguarding. Designed for participants aged 6 and older, this program develops swim strokes, endurance, first aid, and rescue skills. It lays a strong foundation for the Bronze medal awards and future lifeguarding certifications.

Rookie Patrol

Age Group: 6+ years
Duration: 8–10 hours


  • Improving swimming proficiency and fitness.
  • Introducing basic first aid and rescue skills.

Test Requirements:
Swim Skills:

  • Swim 400m in under 12 minutes.
  • Front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke (50m each).
  • Head-up front crawl or breaststroke (25m).
  • Scull in a ready position (30 seconds).
  • Lifesaving kick (25m).
  • Surface dives (foot-first and head-first).
  • Obstacle swim (25m).

Fitness Training:

  • 350m workout (completed 3 times).
  • Swim 100m in under 3 minutes.

First Aid & Rescue:

  • Care for external bleeding.
  • Assess a conscious victim and contact EMS.
  • Simulate and recognize weak and non-swimmers.
  • Perform a “Look & See” study of aquatic facilities and describe findings.

Ranger Patrol

Age Group: 6+ years
Duration: 8–10 hours


  • Advanced stroke development and lifesaving skills.
  • Refining emergency responses and victim care.

Test Requirements:
Swim Skills:

  • Swim 200m in under 6 minutes.
  • Front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke (75m each).
  • Basic butterfly stroke (25m).
  • Side stroke (25m).
  • Perform forward and backward somersaults in water.
  • Stride entry and swim head-up (25m) into a ready position.
  • Eggbeater kick on the back (25m).
  • Support a 2.3kg object for 1 minute.
  • Head-up swim into surface dive, recover an object, and carry it to the start.
  • Lifesaving medley (100m, performed 3 times).

First Aid & Rescue:

  • Care for victims in shock.
  • Assess unconscious, breathing victims.
  • Address obstructed airways (conscious victims).
  • Perform victim recognition and simulation.
  • Rescue with a buoyant aid (20m).

Star Patrol

Age Group: 6+ years
Duration: 8–10 hours


  • Mastering strokes and lifesaving techniques.
  • Preparing for Bronze-level certifications.

Test Requirements:
Swim Skills:

  • Swim 300m in under 9 minutes.
  • Front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke (100m each).
  • Perfect butterfly stroke (25m).
  • Side stroke (25m).
  • Entries with aids (minimum of 2 types).
  • Entry with aid, head-up swim (25m), and sculling in multiple directions.
  • Defence methods (front, side, rear).
  • Eggbeater kick (travel, change direction, and adjust height).
  • Carry a 4.5kg object (25m).
  • Head-up approach into head-first surface dive. Swim underwater 5–10m and surface.
  • Foot-first surface dive to recover an object and return to start.
  • Turn and support a victim face-up in shallow water.

Fitness Training:

  • 600m workout (completed 3 times).

First Aid & Rescue:

  • Care for bone or joint injuries.
  • Address respiratory emergencies, including asthma or allergic reactions.
  • Locate and describe submerged objects.
  • Rescue weak or non-swimmers using a towing aid (20m).